Clips from Air Shows
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(dial-up - 1.5 Mb file)
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(dsl or cable - 5.1 Mb file)
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LAN or T1 access
(21.5 Mb file - high quality)
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Sussex Air Show
(43.7 Mb file - high quality)
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show comments:
"I laughed so
hard I could hardly see because of the tears in my eyes",
spectator, Wings Over Venango, Franklin, Pa, 2002.
"My buddy made me come today to see your act. He wouldn't tell me what it
was. He just said I had to see it!" military pilot,
Sussex, NJ, 2002.
Promote your air
show by scheduling John to deliver his interesting, and often
hilarious (early movie clips), "Beginning of
Ultralights" story in person either during the show or before
the show to a school assembly or a group of potential sponsors.